Friday, December 23, 2016
Thank You
Thank you to all the parents and special guests that were able to help us out with our gingerbread houses. They were a lot of fun to make. I hope they all made it home before they were eaten. I also want to give a big thank you for all of my holiday gifts. I was really spoiled. Have a wonderful holiday and a relaxing break.

Thursday, August 25, 2016
Welcome New First Graders!
Dear First Graders,
I am so happy that I will get to spend the year with you learning and having fun. I am very excited about the first day of school. I have been busy getting our classroom ready. We have 18 students in our class (10 girls and 8 boys). I hope you have received my welcome letter and you have learned a little about me. I would love to learn more about you too. You can e-mail me and tell me about yourself and what you are excited about this year. Here is a tour our classroom. First here are the before pictures. My dad helped me paint the back wall of our classroom, I think it looks much better now.
I am so happy that I will get to spend the year with you learning and having fun. I am very excited about the first day of school. I have been busy getting our classroom ready. We have 18 students in our class (10 girls and 8 boys). I hope you have received my welcome letter and you have learned a little about me. I would love to learn more about you too. You can e-mail me and tell me about yourself and what you are excited about this year. Here is a tour our classroom. First here are the before pictures. My dad helped me paint the back wall of our classroom, I think it looks much better now.
Now for the after pictures.
The view from our door.
The view from our carpet area.
The view from our window.
All our room needs now are our 18 first grade friends. I am looking forward to meeting you on September 6th.
Ms. Feuerstack

Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Museum Village
Our class trip to Museum Village is on Wednesday, June 1st. Please remember to send your child in with a bag lunch labeled with their name. Students should also be dressed comfortably since we will be walking outside. The trip is rain or shine so please have your child dress accordingly. We will be leaving first thing in the morning so please make sure that your child is to school on time. If you are chaperoning please be to school by 9:00. Those parents that were not selected to ride the bus as a chaperone may follow behind the bus or meet us there. Parents not riding the bus will need to pay their entry fee when they arrive.

Thursday, May 12, 2016
School House Rocks
We have been learning all about our nation's early history. We have been using read alouds through Engage NY and different vidoes to help us understand long ago. Some of our favorite videos are School House Rocks videos. Below you will find links to some of our favorites.
No More Kings
The Shot Heard Round the World
I hope you enjoy them as much as we have. Hopefully they don't get stuck in your head :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2016
A Few Dates to Remember
A Few Dates to Remember:
May 4th- Scholastic book orders are due
May 6th - Field Trip permission slips are due
May 11th - Scholastic Book Fair
May 4th- Scholastic book orders are due
May 6th - Field Trip permission slips are due
I am allowed to bring 5 parents with us on the class trip. At this time I have 9 parents that want to chaperone. I will be putting all the names in a hat and I will pick 5 names on Friday or Monday. I will contact all parents that volunteered to let them know if they were picked. Those who were not picked may still follow behind the bus and pay to enter when they arrive at Museum Village.
(Please remember that there will be tax applied to all purchases)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016
It's been a while...
We have been very busy in our classroom over the past few months. I am so proud of how our hard the students have been working. We are growing so much as readers and writers. At math we are developing such a strong number sense.
This week during our literacy block we are reading Pigeon books by Mo Willems. We read Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! and Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog. We are working on making connections, character traits, problem/solution, retelling, and opinion writing. I love how we are developing as writers.
At science time we are learning about plants. On Monday we planted grass seeds. We are learning about what plants need to survive. To help us understand the importance of water, sun, soil, and air, we will be doing some experiments. We have one plant that will get sunlight, but no water. Another plant will be watered, but it will have no sun. We predicted that they will not grow.
One of our favorite things to do in our classroom is to watch Kid President. Below you will see a link to one of the videos we watched this week.
Have a wonderful week!

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