November has been a very busy month in Room 107. At math time we focused on addition to 10. We are getting really fast with our math facts. Please continue to practice your facts at home. This coming week we will move our attention to subtraction. At literacy we have been reading stories from around the world. We read three versions of Little Red Riding Hood and three versions of Tom Thumb. This gave us a chance to learn about maps and where we live in the world. It was really fun when Ms. Feuerstack used Google Maps to find our school. We got to see our classroom window and the playground. As part of writer's workshop we have been working on adding detail to both our pictures and our writing. We are trying to write more than two sentences on a topic.

It was so nice meeting so many parents at parent teacher conferences. I am so happy with all of the progress that our class has been making these past few months. I also want to send a big thank you to all of the parents that were able to contribute to our Thanksgiving Feast to help make it a big success.
Be on the lookout in your child's folder for information on Gingerbread Houses coming home this week. We will be making them on December 22nd at 2:00.
We have a great new website that your child can be using to practice math and literacy at home. It is called Moby Max. You can access it at home at You will then type Circleville to find our school and then log in using your child's lunch number for both their user name and password.